Talk Lung Cancer

Illustration of four people standing in a line

When it comes to lung cancer, every conversation is important. As our understanding and awareness of lung cancer grows, so does the opportunity to have candid conversations about it. These conversations are key to supporting you, those around you and the lung cancer community. No topic should ever be off limits or muddled in scientific jargon. Whether it’s clinical trials, biomarker testing or just everyday living…

It’s time to Talk Lung Cancer.

Let’s Talk:

Real-Life Stories

Every person who lives with lung cancer experiences the disease differently. By shining a light on the challenges they’ve faced and showing how support resources can help, these real stories can help you with your own journey.

View Admir, Anki and Annelie’s stories below:

We hear from Admir on his journey with lung cancer and his hopes for the future

Intensive care nurse, Anki, speaks about her incidental diagnosis with lung cancer

Annelie talks us through her diagnosis with lung cancer during her pregnancy

Let’s Talk:

Helpful Resources

The Talk Lung Cancer resources have been developed alongside members of the lung cancer patient community and healthcare professionals. Their aim is to take you from a place of doubt to a place of clarity on a number of important topics.

Illustration of two people sitting on a train
Front cover of a guide to living well with lung cancer
A guide for living well with
lung cancer
Front cover of a guide to biomarker testing for people with lung cancer
A guide to biomarker testing for people with lung cancer
Front cover of a question and answer guide for navigating biomarker testing with lung cancer
A question guide for navigating biomarker testing with your doctor
A guide to clinical trials for
people with lung cancer
Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC):
How it is managed and the important
role of biomarker testing