Useful Resources & Support

Useful Resources & Support

Myasthenia Gravis can have a huge impact on daily life, and having access to information and resources can be incredibly valuable.

For those living with MG, it is important to know that there are a range of support options available.

We are committed to collaborating with people living with MG, and continuing to strengthen our relationships with patient partners by listening to their needs and teaming up to share knowledge.

Here is a list of useful resources including links to patient organisations and content developed in collaboration with patient organisations.

We also encourage anyone impacted by this complex disease to reach out to friends, family, and your healthcare team to get support.

European Myasthenia Gravis Association

A European-based association made up of national MG patient groups from across the region. Here you will find helpful information about MG, community support for MG organisations and people impacted by the disease, volunteer opportunities, and information around the latest research into MG.

Fighting Myasthenia Together

A UK-based MG patient organisation dedicated to the support, care, and advocacy of people affected by myasthenia. On this site, you will find expert support and advice for people affected by myasthenia including online support sessions to connect with others impacted by MG, information around research, awareness content, and how to get involved.

Knowledge Dissemination Toolkit
For Myasthenia Gravis Patient Organisations

The Knowledge Dissemination Toolkit has been developed in partnership with MG patient organisations – MyAware, Associazione Miastenia OdV, and AMIS – with Johnson & Johnson support. The interactive toolkit aims to share learnings from different patient organisations to inform and inspire new support methods for people living with MG. It includes best practices and key lessons learned from these patient organisations, along with specific examples that can serve as valuable insights for the broader community.


Myasthenia Gravis Foundation of America (MGFA). A Manual for the Healthcare Provider. Available at: Last accessed: September 2024