What is the difference between PsA and Pso?

What is the difference between PsA and Pso?

Psoriasis, or Pso, is a condition caused by an imbalance (something going wrong) in the immune system, and usually affects the skin. About 30% of people with Pso develop psoriatic arthritis, or PsA, which affects the joints and skin. It’s particularly likely if you have nail psoriasis, although it can appear before or at the same time as Pso. With PsA, joints, e.g. those in the feet or hands (called enthesitis and dactylitis), amongst others, may become stiff, swollen, fatigued and painful, limiting movement, and causing permanent damage if left untreated. PsA can affect people of any age, but usually starts between 30 and 50 and affects men and women equally.6

PsA can cause lasting problems, so if you have any concerns about your symptoms or treatment, be sure to speak to your healthcare professional. We have some handy tips for making the most of the time with your doctor.


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WebMD. The emotional effects of psoriatic arthritis. Available at: https://www.webmd.com/arthritis/psoriatic-arthritis/the-emotional-toll-of-psoriatic-arthritis Accessed: August 2023.
National Psoriasis Foundation. About psoriatic arthritis. Available at: https://www.psoriasis.org/about-psoriatic-arthritis Accessed: August 2023.
WebMD. Do you have depression and psoriatic arthritis? Available at: https://www.webmd.com/arthritis/psoriatic-arthritis/depression-and-psoriatic-arthritis#1 Accessed: August 2023.
Lee S, et al. Pharm and Ther 2010;35(12):680-9.
Krajewska-Włodarczyk M, et al. Reum 2018;56(5):301-6.