Why should I get genetic testing?

Why should I get genetic testing?

More answers, more control when it comes to future lifestyle changes

If you’re suspected of having an inherited retinal disease, genetic testing may provide valuable ANSWERS to inform you about ways in which your lifestyle may have to change in the future.

  • Affirm the genetic cause of vision loss or impairment
  • Navigate new insights into how vision may change over time
  • Strengthen your understanding of your condition
  • Weigh the potential risks of other family members
  • Explore support groups and low-vision resources
  • Reveal potential health impacts in other areas of the body
  • Stay engaged and informed about the future
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Over 300 genes

related to inherited retinal diseases have been identified so far. The genetic cause of a suspected inherited retinal disease could be within one of them.

Genetic testing might help identify up to 80% of mutations causing an IRD

Early genetic testing matters. Here’s why:

  • The earlier you test, the earlier you may receive an accurate diagnosis that can put you in more control of your health6
  • Your eye specialist can help you determine if there are any appropriate treatments depending on your test results6
  • With a better picture of your genetic cause, at-risk family members may now also be tested
  • If your result reveals impact to other areas of your body, your eye specialist may refer you to another specialist for care
  • Some therapies may require living cells to be eligible for treatment. For example, inherited retinal diseases may be progressive, so earlier diagnosis may provide better chances for living cells to be available7

“Inconclusive” or “Negative” may not be the final answer

Person using equipment in a laboratory with other lab technicians
  • Your result can inform your eye specialist about a possible different diagnosis89
  • Your eye specialist may recommend retesting in a few years. Remember, science is constantly advancing and there are more genes yet to be discovered. Just in the past 10 years, more than 100 new genes related to inherited retinal diseases have been identified10
  • With the evolution of genetic testing technology, creation of more labs and improved interpretation of results, the genetic cause of vision loss or impairment can now be determined in even more people89
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Where do I even begin?

Check out the 5 simple steps to genetic testing which can give you more answers.

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Behold the possibilities of gene therapies

Many clinical trials for potential treatments, like gene therapies, are underway for different inherited retinal diseases.11


British Association of Dermatologists patient hub; Psoriasis: an overview. Available at: https://www.skinhealthinfo.org.uk/condition/psoriasis/ Accessed: May 2023.
NHS. Living with psoriasis. Available at: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/psoriasis/living-with/ Accessed: May 2023.
National Psoriasis Foundation. Seasonal flare guide. Available at: https://www.psoriasis.org/seasonal-flare-guide Accessed: May 2023.
AAD. How long will I have to treat my psoriasis? Available at: https://www.aad.org/public/diseases/psoriasis/treatment/medications/how-long Accessed: May 2023.