Useful links and tools


PHA Europe (The European Pulmonary Hypertension Association)

An umbrella patient association made up of national PH associations from across Europe. On this site, you will find information about PH, new research, current events, projects, activities and additional resources about living well with PH. It also includes a directory of European patient associations to enable you to find your local patient association and peer support networks.

Link to

PAH Patient Charter

The PAH Patient Charter

The PAH Patient Charter sets out the standards people living with PAH should reasonably expect from their care. The PAH Patient Charter is based on the European Society of Cardiology/European Respiratory Society (ESC/ERS) international guidelines and was developed by Janssen in collaboration with a multidisciplinary group of PAH specialists and PAH patient group representatives.

Alliance for Pulmonary Hypertension (AfPH)

The Alliance for Pulmonary Hypertension (AfPH) is an international non-profit organisation established in 2020. The AfPH’s mission is to promote the sharing of knowledge and expertise across the PH community and engage in collaborative activities that address unmet needs and can help improve access and efficacy of PH care. The AfPH “Pulmonary Hypertension Knowledge Sharing Platform” (PH-KSP) is an open, inclusive, collaborative space where members of the PH community can find and share information about pulmonary hypertension. It features a collection of resources in a variety of formats and languages curated by expert volunteers, as well as the latest news and events of interest to the PH community. There’s also a webinar series designed to empower people living with PH and their families, by providing actionable insights and practical knowledge.

Find out more about AfPH here:

Click here to explore the AfPH Knowledge-Sharing platform:

Watch episodes from the AfPH webinar series here:


WebMD. The emotional effects of psoriatic arthritis. Available at: Accessed: August 2023.
National Psoriasis Foundation. About psoriatic arthritis. Available at: Accessed: August 2023.
WebMD. Do you have depression and psoriatic arthritis? Available at: Accessed: August 2023.
Lee S, et al. Pharm and Ther 2010;35(12):680-9.
Krajewska-Włodarczyk M, et al. Reum 2018;56(5):301-6.